How to find a Christian Husband!

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Here's an idea you might.. or might not want to try:)

Making the right decision

Finding and choosing the man you are to marry and who is to be your husband may be the most important decision you ever make in your life, and the right decision may play a huge part in wether or not you will have a happy or unhappy Christian marriage and of course, if you have children it will also affect them too. So one cannot take this matter of marriage too lightly as many seem to today. Marriage was always meant to be forever.

But have you, like countless single Christian women wondered how on earth you are going to find a Christian husband? Especially as there are few few single and eligable men at your church (as I often hear from members of fusion). Well I've been there too so I want to you help out with a few simple ideas so here goes.

Some guidlines to help...

There are no golden rules on how to find a husband or 'get' a Christian guy to marry as it's sometimes not so nicely referred to, as God deals with us individually and we also live in different cultures where some of the less important matters differ. However here are some guidelines:

It may help to read Genesis 24 through carefully. It deals with someone who was looking for a bride for a young man and gives us some good principles to follow.

  • Look for a Christian husband that suits you. Do not marry a man who is not a Christian. Dating non Christians. Read Genesis 24:3-4 as well as 2 Corinthians 6:14-15.

  • Pray that the Lord will show you the right guy to marry (Genesis 24:12).

  • Now you will need to trust the Lord that He will show you in some way who the right man is for marriage (Genesis 24:7).

  • Regarding character traits; look for someone who is helpful, kind and caring and outward looking and definitely not lazy. (Genesis 24:17-22).

  • As far as possible look for a man who has not slept with other girls / women (Genesis 24:16). But then you should also see to it that you keep yourself from this kind of lifestyle that is considered extremely unhelpful (1 Thessalonians 4:38).

  • If you want to know where to find the right kind of man to marry be like a fisherman. When he wants to catch fish, he goes where the fish are, the river or lake or sea. If you want to find a Christian husband, you should go to church or the youth group where Christian people meet!!

Prepare yourself & ask God to help you

If you pray that God will guide you in this and follow these guidelines you can be sure that God will lead you to the right man or at least in the right direction if it is not your time to get married. Be patient - sometimes it takes God some years to work out in you his maturing process so you are fully ready when the right man comes along. He has promised to lead us if we follow Him (Psalm 37:47).

You will know, by your love and respect for the person and by the fact that he/she returns that love and respect for you, that God has guided you. It is possible that some people may know at an early age who they will marry, but others do not. It is best these days to wait until after the age of 20 or 21for marriage, bacause you are more mature - 30 is a great age where you should have developed a good sense of self worth and know what suits you better than you did in the haste of your youth!:)

Meet new people...

Are you always with the same people? Put yourself in a position to meet as many people as possible to up the chances of bumping into someone you like. This also means helping each other out. Be generous - introduce each other. Yes - we could all use help!

Ask someone out!

Hey ladies... did you know it's ok to ask a guy out?! - even though you're a girl and ideally HE should do the asking he may be shy or not have confidence!!! Then of course - let him do the chasing and prove that he is worthy of your hand! Go on be brave an do the asking or at least make it easier for men to approach you if you havn't quite got the nerve:)

You've seen someone you like - are you going to sit and wait for them for ever? - no - start a conversation! This is a lot easier for women than it is for guys so be approachable girls! 101 Tips on how to ask someboody or someone out on a date

How to start a conversation

OK... a top tip, probably more apporpriate for men than women but might be applicable to both; forget every clever line you know. Just be natural, listen and ask questions. Here's some advice on making good conversation.

Be attractive & presentable - project confidence

Here's a lesson from those in relationships: Why do people in relationships often appear so attractive? A simple answer is their relaxed manner and apparent self assuredness (obviously helped by having a partner!) Take on these characteristics and you'll be winner! Someone who appears desperate is a sure turn off. At the same time - don't let any anxiety cause you to appear uninterested. The highest compliment you can pay someone is your undivided attention. But this may involve asking questions and yes, - listening to the answers!!

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This help article is about how to get a good husband. How to get, find and attract a goldy Christian husband and a guide on being attractive in general to men, guys and the opposite gender! Advice on where is the best place for getting a Christian husband!

© 2006 copyright - Written by Fusion101 Christian Singles Dating service. 101 Tips on finding a Christian husband, advice & help. Do not copy without permission.

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