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Other (non-Christian) Dating Web Sites

Internet dating websites, singles match & personals services

If you have landed on this Christian singles dating web page but are not looking to meet Christian singles for free or are trying to find websites that cater for other special interest or niche groups (eg Black singles, African American singles, senior singles match makers and personal ads etc), check out the secualr dating sites and services below. If you are wondering why Christians only want to meet other Christians.. find out more about Christianity here at 101Christian Advice.

Online personals and dating services are a great way to meet people very quickly without the hassle of looking to meet new friends while you are out and about. You can just carry on as normal with no pressure to approach or speak to 'this guy' or 'that girl' - you can simply login when you are at home, and at your leisure, browse thousands (and if you have the the time - millions!) of picture personals.

Even better is that many of these online dating services are free to some degree and some are totally free - though they tend to have less profiles.

Well - we wish you all the best in your search for meanigful friendshipa and hopefully romance! Take care:)

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Todays Great Quote
"Don't be so humble - you are not that great."

- Golda Meir (1898-1978) to a visiting diplomat


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